NYCT March 2022 Member Meeting Online
Monday, March 21, 2022, 12:00 PM Eastern Time
Title: Email marketing for freelance translators and interpreters
Presenter: Pavel Elin

Translations and language services are not everyday products. Thus, the chances of getting in touch with clients right on time when they are in search of vendors working with corresponding languages and specializing in certain subject fields are rather low.
That makes email marketing one of the most powerful tools for independent language professionals as it allows not only to deliver offers to customers, but it also lets them save proposals to use them in the future.
However, marketing without a strategy cannot be effective. For freelance linguists, the principal goal of such a strategy is to stay in contact with existing and potential clients. The tactics of gentle reminders presented in the book “Effective Email Marketing for Freelance Linguists” is a way how freelancers can tell their stories to clients in a real time mode, significantly increasing chances to transform their contacts into long-term customers.
At the presentation, the attendees can learn about the best practices for all 7 stages of email marketing from identification of the target groups of potential customers up to tracking replies and sending gentle reminders. All suggested approaches can be used by every freelance translator and interpreter right away.
Presenter Bio:
Pavel started his career in the field of translations and language services in 2007 as a freelance translator.
In 2010, he launched his first business. And in 2011, he moved to Portugal to become a co-owner and CEO at Freelanguage LDA, a language service provider located in Lisbon.
In 2019, Pavel started his LinkedIn blog with posts and publications for independent language professionals.
In September 2020, he completed his work on the book “Effective Email Marketing for Freelance Linguists”. Today, in addition to the book Pavel offers 4 consulting services for freelancers. All of them are available on LinkedIn.
In February 2022, his YouTube channel for freelance language professionals was launched.
Pavel’s freelance experience allows him to understand linguists’ goals, challenges, and restraints in a better way. On the other hand, as a CEO of a language service provider that has been operating since 2011, he can share insights from the point of view of the regular customer of translations and language services.
LinkedIn Blog:
YouTube channel:
Amazon Author’s page:
Trainer experience:
“Email Marketing for Freelance Linguists”, workshop hosted by Slator (March 2021)
“Emails to Potential Clients: Why Aren't You Getting a Response?”, presentation at ITD2021 by
“Time to Write”, presentation at TerpSummit 2022
Q&A will follow the presentation.
NYCT members attend for free
Non-members attend for $10
RSVP deadline:
1 PM Eastern Time on Friday, March 18th
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Terms and conditions:
Everyone must RSVP and pay (if applicable) before the deadline.
- No refunds will be offered after the registration fee is received.
- We are unable to accommodate any late registrations, payments, and inquiries.
- All non-members who would like to attend this meeting must pay $10 (for this talk only) or please consider becoming a member.
- It is at the presenter’s discretion to share the presentation deck with the NYCT to be shared with the members at a later date.
- Online meetings are typically not recorded.
- Please feel free to forward this invitation to any interested parties.
- Please mark your calendar for the meeting date and time today. You will receive the meeting info about 24 hours prior to the meeting time. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your ongoing support! Please contact us anytime with any comments, questions, and suggestions for future topics.
Looking forward to seeing you at this meeting!