The Gotham Translator - News from the New York Circle of Translators
The Gotham Translator is the online newsletter of the New York Circle of Translators, Inc. Our members are notified via e-mail of each newsletter publication. We welcome article submissions and suggestions for reprints.
Interested in advertising in our newsletter or requesting permission to reprint copyrighted materials? Find more information here.
We welcome and encourage articles for publication from our members and the community. Please submit your articles via email to the editor.
All materials submitted are subject to editing and become the property of the New York Circle of Translators unless accompanied by a copyright request. The opinions and views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or the policies of the NYCT or the ATA. All material submitted is subject to editing and becomes the property of the New York Circle of Translators unless accompanied by a copyright statement.
The Gotham has been selected by EBSCO to be included in university databases. All articles that are submitted to The Gotham will be included in the databases unless the author requests that their article not be included. All request are to be in writing via e-mail or regular mail.