Online Session
Thursday, May 05, 2022, 06:00 PM Eastern Time
Title: Mentorship Oportunity: Mentor a NYC High School Student!
Presenter: Rachel Hutt (from iMentor)
Dear New York Circle of Translators members,
We are excited to share a little about one of our non-profit partners, iMentor: a youth mentoring program and education non-profit working to empower first-generation college students to graduate high school, succeed in college, and achieve their ambitions. A majority of iMentor’s students identify as people of color, are international students, or speak languages other than English. When students meet their mentors, it is important that they see successful working professionals who are as diverse and unique as they are.
Looking for a chance to give back and join an incredible community of volunteers?
To learn more please come to the upcoming virtual info session:
- Virtual Info Session: Thursday, May 5, from 6-6:30pm
- Zoom Link for Info Session will be sent before the event.
Thank you for your ongoing support! Please contact us anytime with any comments, questions, and suggestions for future topics.
Looking forward to seeing you at this meeting!
Q&A will follow the presentation.
NYCT members attend for free
Non-members attend for $10
RSVP deadline:
1 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, May 5th
Please consider joining the NYCT
and contact the NYCT administrator Natalia at
with any questions regarding the membership.
Terms and conditions:
Everyone must RSVP and pay (if applicable) before the deadline.
- No refunds will be offered after the registration fee is received.
- We are unable to accommodate any late registrations, payments, and inquiries.
- All non-members who would like to attend this meeting must pay $10 (for this talk only) or please consider becoming a member.
- It is at the presenter’s discretion to share the presentation deck with the NYCT to be shared with the members at a later date.
- Online meetings are typically not recorded.
- Please feel free to forward this invitation to any interested parties.
- Please mark your calendar for the meeting date and time today. You will receive the meeting info about 24 hours prior to the meeting time. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your ongoing support! Please contact us anytime with any comments, questions, and suggestions for future topics.
Looking forward to seeing you at this meeting!