NYCT September 2022 Webinar
Thursday, September 29, 2022, 6:00 PM Eastern Time
From Written to Spoken: How To Break into Interpreting
Presenter: Elena Langdon

While it's not for everyone, interpreting is often a welcome addition to a language career, and many successful interpreters started as translators. This webinar, aimed at those who are considering adding interpreting to their services offered, will cover how to get into this rewarding line of work. We will discuss the specialties in the field, skills needed, types of entry-level work, training and education, and certification. Attendees will be encouraged to complete a mini-analysis and start a plan to step into translation's "talkative cousin."
Attendees will be able to:
- identify the basic skills and knowledge of a professional interpreter
- understand the types of interpreting work for beginners
- start thinking about specialties to consider and training programs for each
Presenter Bio:
Elena Langdon, M.A., CT, CoreCHI has been a Portuguese-English interpreter and translator since 2000. She is certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) as a translator (Portuguese into English) and by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters as a core-certified healthcare interpreter. Elena has a Masters in Translation Studies and has been teaching translation and interpreting since 2005. She was chairperson of the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters and a director of ATA, in addition to serving on the Boards of the National Council for Healthcare Interpreting and New England Translators Association. She occasionally writes for MultiLingual Media and hopes to revive Not Quite Magic, a podcast about interpreters she started during the pandemic.
Q&A will follow the presentation.
NYCT members attend for free
Non-members attend for $10
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Terms and conditions:
Everyone must RSVP and pay (if applicable) before the deadline.
- No refunds will be offered after the registration fee is received.
- We are unable to accommodate any late registrations, payments, and inquiries.
- All non-members who would like to attend this meeting must pay $10 (for this talk only) or please consider becoming a member.
- It is at the presenter’s discretion to share the presentation deck with the NYCT to be shared with the members at a later date.
- Please feel free to forward this invitation to any interested parties.
- Please mark your calendar for the meeting date and time today. You will receive the meeting info about 24 hours prior to the meeting time. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your ongoing support! Please contact us anytime with any comments, questions, and suggestions for future topics.
Looking forward to seeing you at this meeting!