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New York Circle of Translators

How to be a free Freelancer

  • 25 Oct 2024
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Zoom


  • Log in for your free registration.

About the Speaker

Molly Yurick is a Spanish-to-English subtitler, translator, and transcriber. Her work is featured on Netflix, where she has subtitled popular shows like Money Heist and Berlin. Specializing in tourism and hospitality translation, Molly also serves as the deputy chair of American Translators Association's (ATA) Public Relations Committee. She is actively involved in the ATA School Outreach Program and regularly contributes to the ATA Compass blog. For more information, visit

About the Webinar

If you are a freelancer, it means just that: You are free to work with whomever you want on your own terms. But that also means you have to be prepared to deal with crises and mitigate risk on your own. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Molly’s tourism-focused translation business went from surging to flatlining in a matter of days. She took the opportunity to diversify her services and dive head first into a new specialization: subtitling. One year later, her first subtitled film debuted on Netflix. Now, post-pandemic, her business is a bit more “crisis-proof” than it was before. She has a diversified business and efficient marketing plan that better protects her from the ups and downs of freelance life. This webinar will guide you on how to change your mindset, diversify your business, and create a marketing plan so you can better mitigate risk for your freelance business. Using her recent experience as a base, instructor Molly Yurick will:  

-Talk about changing your mindset: How to be free freelancers 

Explain risk mitigation and why it’s especially important for freelancers 

Outline how you can diversify your business, including a list of specific ideas for how you can diversify and where you can find new clients 

-Teach you how to create and maintain a simple marketing plan


Friday, October 25th, 2024 - 6:30PM to 7:30PM EST


VIA ZOOM - Link will be sent to registrants prior to the event

Terms and conditions:

NYCT members attend for free

Academics / Students / Invitees attend for free with code

Non-members attend for $10 

Please consider joining the NYCT

Contact NYCT administrator Natalia at

with any questions regarding membership.

> Everyone must RSVP and pay (if applicable) by Friday, October 25.

    • We are unable to accommodate any late registrations, payments, and inquiries. 
    • No refunds will be offered after the registration fee is received.
  • It is at the presenter’s discretion to share the presentation deck with the NYCT to be shared with the members at a later date.
  • Please feel free to forward this invitation to any interested parties.
  • Please mark your calendar for the meeting date and time today. You will receive the meeting info prior to the meeting time. Thank you for your patience.
Looking forward to seeing you at this meeting!

New York Circle of Translators
PO Box 4051
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163-4051

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